Honey is a fluid produced by bees in a thick liquid with a sweet taste. Honey is taken from the nectar of flowers that are in bloom. The flower nectar is sucked by bees and then fermented to produce honey. Not only is it beneficial for children’s health, benefits, and more, it also has benefits for health and wellness. The benefits of bee pollen from bees are also beneficial for increasing appetite.
Ingredients In Honey
In honey, there are many vitamins that are beneficial to nourish the body. Here is the content that is in the honey:
- Fructose can be used to help small roles. Fructose should not be used in excess choice because it will incriminate the work of the liver.
- Glucose works to perform energy measurements for body cells.
Maltose is a compound that will be converted into content by the body. - Sucrose other than available on is also found in sugarcane plants. Medical benefits of sugarcane is for heart disease and other various benefits to the human body. Sucrose is a combination of fructose and glucose.
- Water is a liquid that has many benefits for life. Honey also contains water.
- Benefits of vitamin C for health for the body. Vitamin C benefits are in papaya, lemon benefits and lime
- Relieves cough
If coughing a toddler will be fussy and crying. This happens because of the discomfort felt by toddlers. To prevent coughing solutions in toddlers getting worse. You can give a spoon of honey to a toddler before eating so that the cough subsides. The content in honey is very good to relieve the cough of toddlers. - Helps growth
At the age of toddlers is the initial growth period. Toddlers need plenty of nutrients and nutrients to support their growth. By eating honey on a regular basis will be able to help the process of growth better. Give one tablespoon of honey twice a day regularly in toddlers. - As an energy source
Honey contains fructose, fructose is a natural sweetener that can provide an energy source. Energy sources are also found in the benefits of rice, the benefits of wheat and the benefits of potatoes. Fructose provides a source of energy in toddlers for a long time, so the toddler gets used that energy to move actively. In the age of toddlers they are very active to play and run. Consumption of honey can meet the energy needs of children under five. - Healing wounds in toddlers
As toddlers actively play with their friends, they may fall and get hurt. Mothers do not have to worry enough to apply honey to the affected area. Honey is useful to heal wounds and prevent infection of wounds more quickly. Research has proven that honey-smeared wounds are faster to heal in infants. - Brain Intensity
Here’s a good activity for the brain that benefits sports for toddler brain. Exercise can help nourish their brains. Teach sports while playing to keep them happy. In addition to honey sports also provide benefits to educate the toddler brain. Honey makes toddlers creative, active and be positive in their daily life. - Healthy digestive system
Honey contains a number of good bacteria to kill bad bacteria contained in the gut. Active toddlers usually like to put things into their mouths. This can disrupt the digestive system of children. With a honey digestive system toddlers remain healthy. And keep an eye on the development of children under the age of growth. - Vitamin Sources
Needs of vitamins are needed in large quantities by toddlers. Toddlers need various vitamins to support their growth. Honey contains many vitamins ranging from the benefits of vitamin A, the benefits of vitamin B, the benefits of vitamin C, the benefits of vitamin D, the benefits of vitamin E, and vitamin K is good for physical health of children under five.
So many benefits of the content in honey so that honey is widely used as health in the body for many people. Benefits Honey for health has been used for various treatments since time immemorial. Honey has a myriad of benefits. Honey is widely consumed because it is made from natural ingredients. Natural ingredients can be said to have no side effects at all in the long run. Honey is also suitable for chronic acid stomach following the benefits of honey for ulcer.
Honey should only be consumed by toddlers with age one year and above. Is not recommended giving honey to toddlers under a year of age (12 months) because their digestive system cannot digest properly yet. And consider give the honey special for children.
Here are the benefits of honey for children:
Source: manfaat.co.id | https://manfaat.co.id/manfaat-madu-untuk-balita