I don’t know about you, but morning toast happens to be one of my absolute favorite ways to enjoy a quick, nutritious breakfast. Over the past few years, bread has gotten a bad rap mostly due to people experimenting with gluten or grain-free diets. Today I’m making a claim that bread (or toast) is back and ready to be enjoyed again!
So, why do I love bread so much? It’s easy to throw in the toaster making it a quick on-the-go breakfast. Of course, I’ve been through my peanut butter, almond butter & avocado toast phase, but today we’re moving on to bigger and better toppings. Toppings that are as beautiful as they are delicious to eat. Toppings that you may have never thought to put on your toast…
Honey is very delicious and a healthy source of instant energy for topping toast, apply honey accordingly as your taste, can also mix it with butter when the bread is baked brownish yellow. Use your favorite bread varieties like wheat bread, chocolate and more. A quick breakfast with one or two pieces is enough for your source of energy to start your busy day.
Inspired by: https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/4-healthy-breakfast-toasts/